€ 34.49

Vesper (2022) (Limited Edition, Steelbook, Blu-ray + DVD)

English · Blu-ray + DVD

US Version | Region code 1, A
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After the collapse of Earth's ecosystem, a 13-year-old girl struggling to survive with her paralyzed father, meets a woman with a secret who will force her to use her wits for the possibility of having a future.

Product details

Director Kristina Buozyte, Bruno Samper
Actor Raffiella Chapman, Eddie Marsan, Rosy McEwen, Richard Brake, Mélanie Gaydos, Edmund Dehn
Label IFC
Genre Adventure
Science fiction
Content Blu-ray + DVD
Publication date 14.11.2023
Edition Limited Edition, Steelbook
Audio English
Screen 16/9
Year of production 2022
Original title Vesper
Version US Version
Region code 1, A

Cast & Crew

Customer reviews

  • Vesper Chronicles

    Written on 07. June 2023 by Lexy.
    This customer review refers to a alternative version.

    Guter postapokalyptischer Film mit toller Optik, aber das Ende ist leider verwirrend und unklar. Auch erscheint es mir unrealistisch, dass Versper unter diesen Bedingungen und mit ihrem komplett gelähmten Vater so locker über die Runden kommt...

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