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American Made (2017) (Blu-ray + DVD)

English · Blu-ray + DVD

US Version | Region code 1, A
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An international escapade based on the outrageous (and real) exploits of a hustler and pilot unexpectedly recruited by the CIA to run one of the biggest covert operations in U.S. history.

Product details

Director Doug Liman
Actor Domhnall Gleeson, Tom Cruise, Caleb Landry Jones, Jesse Plemons, Lola Kirke, Sarah Wright, Jayma Mays, Benito Martinez, April Billingsley
Label Universal Studios
Genre Action
Portrait, Biographie
Content Blu-ray + DVD
Publication date 02.01.2018
Audio English (Dolby Digital)
Length 115 Minutes
Screen 16/9
Year of production 2017
Original title American Made
Version US Version
Region code 1, A

Cast & Crew

Customer reviews

  • Barry Seal

    Written on 02. October 2018 by Clad.
    This customer review refers to a alternative version.

    J aime pas quand ca part trop en vrille, et la ca part en vrille juste ce qu il faut. Parfait

  • Unglaublich und real

    Written on 20. August 2018 by Harry.
    This customer review refers to a alternative version.

    Verrückte Geschichte flüssig und spannend erzählt. Eine wahre Begebenheit aus den USA mit Tom Cruise im Kreuzfeuer aller Protagonisten.

  • Nur in Amerika...

    Written on 15. January 2018 by DarthJok3.
    This customer review refers to a alternative version. so was möglich. Tom Cruise in einem Teufelskreis aus CIA, Drogenkartell, Contras, Intrigen, Geld und Drogen. Wer Blow mag, sollte auch hier auf seine Kosten kommen. Der Film beruht auf einer wahren Begebenheit.

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