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Shock Treatment - Nation (1981) (Limited Edition)

English · Blu-ray

UK Version

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Several years on from the events of the original Rocky, Brad and Janet Majors find their strained marriage put to the test on popular Denton TV show Marriage Maze. Poor Brad is heavily sedated and institutionalised, whilst Janet is given a radical makeover and primed for stardom. But what are the real motivations behind the kooky DTV crew and their enigmatic head-honcho, Farley Flavors?

Product details

Director Jim Sharman
Actor Jessica Harper, Charles Gray, Cliff De Young, Richard O'Brien, Patricia Quinn
Label Arrow Video
Genre Comedy
Content Blu-ray
FSK / age rating from age 6
Publication date 07.08.2017
Edition Limited Edition
Audio English (Dolby Digital)
Length 94 Minutes
Screen 16/9
Year of production 1981
Version UK Version
Region code B

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