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Grimm - The Complete Collection (28 Blu-rays)

English · Blu-ray

US Version | Region code A
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Detective Nick of Portland P.D sees the real monsters inside people. He first saw changing face(woge) of a witch(Hexenbiest). He thinks he is imagining things. But when his aunt asks "Are you watching things you can't explain'" He gets alarmed. He learns he is some of the last descendants of an ancient lineage called Grimms , From the Brothers Grimm. And learns fairytale creatures exist in real life and only Grimms can see them when they are emotionally hiked. It follows the storyline of The Royal families controlling Wesens(creatures of the fairytales) by employing first Grimms (7 Knights) from ancient times.

Product details

Actor David Giuntoli, Russel Hornsby, Silas Weir Mitchell, Sasha Roiz, Reggie Lee, Elizabeth Tulloch, Bree Turner, Claire Coffee
Label Universal Studios
Genre Fantasy
Content 28 Blu-rays
FSK / age rating from age 16
Publication date 13.06.2017
Audio English, French, Spanish
Subtitles English, French, Spanish
Original title Grimm - The Complete Series (Season 1-6)
Version US Version
Region code A

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