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As a child, Jonathan was almost killed by his father, Malcolm, during a satanic ritual. After being saved and raised by Wolfgang, who has kept him unaware of his background, Jonathan inherits Malcolm's house and moves in with girlfriend Rebecca. Through his explorations of the house he begins unlocking the secrets and latent powers contained within his new found home.

But there are other dark powers at work in the house; powers more terrifying, more hideous than anything you've ever seen. It is foretold that Evil will triumph and Ghoulies will walk the earth...

Product details

Director Luca Bercovici
Actor Peter Liapis, Lisa Pelikan, Michael Des Barres, Jack Nance, Mariska Hargitay, Peter Risch
Label 101 FILMS
Genre Fantasy
Content Blu-ray
Age rating from age 15
Publication date 11.04.2016
Edition The Cult Horror Collection
Audio English
Length 81 Minutes
Year of production 1984
Original title Ghoulies
Version UK Version
Region code B

Cast & Crew

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