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Mahlermania (Euro Arts)

English · DVD

UK Version

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Ein Theaterstück mit Musik von Gustav Mahler

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Product details

Actor Ioannis Avakoumidis, Annedore Kleist, Anna-Luise Recke, Patrick Schott, Frank Willens, Katarina Bradic, Simon Pauly
Composers Gustav Mahler (1860-1911)
Artists Nico and the Navigators, Deutsche Oper Berlin, Moritz Gnann
Label EuroArts
Genre Musica classica
Theatre, Shows
Content DVD
FSK / age rating from age 0
Publication date 24.01.2014
Edition Euro Arts
Audio original language with subtitle (Dolby Digital 5.1), original language with subtitle (DTS 5.1), original language with subtitle (PCM Stereo)
Subtitles English, German, French
Length 100 Minutes
Screen 16/9
Version UK Version
Region code 0

Cast & Crew

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