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My Favorite Brunette (1947) (b/w)

English · DVD

US Version | Region code 1
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Baby photographer Ronnie Jackson, on death row in San Quentin, tells reporters how he got there: taking care of his private-eye neighbor's office, Ronnie is asked by the irresistible Baroness Montay to find the missing Baron. There follow confusing but sinister doings in a gloomy mansion and a private sanatorium, with every plot twist a parody of thriller cliches. What are the villains really after? Can Ronnie beat a framed murder rap?

Product details

Director Elliott Nugent
Actor Bob Hope, Dorothy Lamour, Peter Lorre, John Hoyt, Lon Chaney, Jr.
Genre Comedy
Content DVD
FSK / age rating from age 12
Publication date 18.09.2012
Edition b/w
Audio English
Subtitles English
Length 85 Minutes
Year of production 1947
Original title My Favorite Brunette
Version US Version
Region code 1

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