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The Invisible Man (1933)

English · DVD

US Version | Region code 1
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claude rains delivers a remarkable performance in his screen debut as a mysterious doctor who discovers a serum that makes him invisible. covered by bandages and dark glasses, rains arrives at a small english village and attempts to hide his amazing discovery. but the same drug which renders him invisible slowly drives him to commit acts of unspeakable terror. based on h.g. wells' classic novel and directed by the master of macabre james whale, the invisible man not only fueled a host of sequels but features some special effects that are still imitated today.
bonus materials:
- now you see him: the invisible man revealed
- feature commentary with film historian rudy behlmer
- production photographs
- cast and filmmakers
- production notes
black and white movie//71 min.//languages & subtitles: english, french, spanish

Claude Rains bietet in seinem ersten Spielfilm eine faszinierende Darstellung als mysteriöser Arzt, der ein Serum entdeckt, das ihn unsichtbar macht. Von Bandagen umwickelt, die Augen hinter einer dunklen Sonnenbrille verborgen, begibt sich Rains in ein kleines englisches Dorf, um seine Entdeckung geheim zu halten. Aber das Mittel, das ihn unsichtbar macht, treibt ihn allmählich auch zu unaussprechlich grausamen Taten.

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Product details

Director James Whale
Actor Claude Rains, Gloria Stuart, Henry Travers
Genre Horror
Science fiction
Content DVD
FSK / age rating from age 12
Publication date 31.01.2010
Audio English
Subtitles English, French, Spanish
Length 71 Minutes
Year of production 1933
Original title The Invisible Man
Version US Version
Region code 1

Cast & Crew

Customer reviews

  • wie viele filme ?

    Written on 19. September 2011 by ,.
    This customer review refers to a alternative version.

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