€ 34,49

And Every Little Star


Paraît le 04.04.2025


En savoir plus

Naples and Venice were two of the most important centers for music in Italy in the 17th and 18th centuries. On this new recording of baroque recorder concertos from Italy, the Bremen Baroque Orchestra and Clara Guldberg Ravn once again demonstrate their great joy of playing and the highest quality of baroque performance practice. In addition to well-known works by Antonio Vivaldi and the recorder evergreen by Giuseppe Sammartini, the young Danish recorder player has also ventured into rather unknown baroque works by the Neapolitan Nicola Fiorenza and the Swede Johan Helmich Roman.

Détails du produit

Compositeurs Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741), Giuseppe Sammartini (1695-1750), Nicola Fiorenza (c.1700-1764), Johann Helmich Roman
Interprètes Clara Guldberg Ravn (Flûte), Barockorchester Bremen (Orchestre)
Genre Classical > Solo avec orchestra
Contenu CD
Date de parution 04.04.2025


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