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The Century Project By Daniel Glass

Anglais · DVD

US Version | Code régional 1
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En savoir plus

The new Drum Channel DVD The Century Project is the culmination of a journey begun a dozen years ago, when Daniel Glass started researching the evolution of the drums and the way we play them. Through his research, he came to a startling conclusion: if we understand more about the drum set, we can understand the origin of every style of popular music we play and listen to today: jazz, rock, blues, hip-hop, funk, reggae, etc.The DVD takes the viewer on a 100-year thrill ride, from 1865 at the end of the Civil War right up to 1965 and the dawn of the British Invasion. It shows how drums and pop music evolved hand-in-hand, and how, by 1965, the drumming blueprint that we still follow to this day had been cemented.

Détails du produit

Genre Documentaire > Musique
Documentaire > Histoire, Religion, Politique
Contenu DVD
Âge recommandé à partir de 0 ans
Date de parution 25.09.2012
Audio Anglais
Durée 180 Minutes
Version US Version
Code régional 1

Acteurs & équipe tournage

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