€ 37,49

...and the Hi-8 adventures

Anglais · DVD

Expédition généralement dans un délai de 1 à 3 jours ouvrés

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En savoir plus

This DVD includes: tour filming, five Millencolin videos, interviews, live shows from all around the world, some skateboarding and lots more. For your viewing pleasure Burning Heart Records in co-operation with Epitaph and Softcore Pictures gives you "Millencolin & the Hi-8 adventures" - a 76 minutes long home-made musical road movie, containing 23 songs (some which you have probably never heard before). Featuring footage from their cradledays and early formation in Örebro, Sweden when four melancholy, skateboarding punkerkids with burning musical ambitions and wheels of fire started the band in 1992,`til 500 shows later finish their worldwide "For Monkeys-tour" in Buenos Aires, Argentina August 1998. Meet the four monkeys filmed during six years on five different continents. Meet their audience and meet the reality of a young unexpecting band being shaped by harsh massive "get in the van-styled" touring, full-speed-ahead chanting record labels, publishers, booking agents and overwhelming fans. Get a close look at success, appreciation, homesickness and frustration as we welcome you all to the first episode of Milliencolin & the Hi-8 adventures, and the bands mysterious world of softcore..."

Détails du produit

Interprètes Millencolin
Genre Independent, Punk
Contenu DVD
Âge recommandé à partir de 12 ans
Date de parution 17.11.2003
Audio Anglais (Stereo)
Bonus Scènes inédites, Informations supplémentaires
Durée 76 Minutes
Format écran 4/3
Code régional 0



Commentaires des clients

  • Écrit le 08. mars 2005 par Sweden.
    Ce commentaire concerne une autre version.

    Echte Fans werden an dieser DVD ihre helle Freude haben! Zuschlagen!!! Ihr werdet es nicht bereuen

  • millencolin

    Écrit le 14. novembre 2003 par niklas correvonsen.
    Ce commentaire concerne une autre version.

    le meilleur de tous les groupes de punks

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