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Fate/Stay Night 1 - Adventure of the Magi (Édition Limitée)

Anglais · DVD

US Version | Code régional 1
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En savoir plus

Raised by a mysterious sorcerer after the horrific death of his parents, Shiro Emiya has only just begun to help others using the small tidbits of magic that he`s learned. However, when he`s suddenly caught in a battle between two more powerful Magus, Shiro finds himself performing a spell above his expected ability, summoning the beautiful spirit warrior Saber to protect him! But safety is only momentary as Shiro and Saber now find themselves thrust into in a secret world of dark magic and deadly challenges: a no-holds barred duel to the death known as the Holy Grail War! At stake: a prize of unimaginable power. But can the inexperienced Shiro and Saber survive long enough to even enter the contest? First they`ll have to withstand waves of treachery and assassination, even as Shiro scrambles to learn everything he`ll need to know to stay alive as seven teams of Magus and Spirit Servants face off in mortal combat! The ultimate game of death and magic unfolds as the Holy War erupts in Fate/Stay Night!

Détails du produit

Réalisateur Yuji Yamaguchi
Genre Action
Contenu DVD
Âge recommandé à partir de 0 ans
Date de parution 19.12.2006
Édition Édition Limitée
Audio Japonais
Sous-titres Anglais
Titre original Fate/stay night (Japonais)
Version US Version
Code régional 1

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