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Storm (Limited Edition, Colored, 7" Single)


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In 1990, Judge had a new song entitled 'Forget This Time' and there was a desire to record it and get it out into the wild. Additionally, the band had been touring and made some improvements to some of their existing songs; one standout was 'The Storm,' which now had a breakdown in the middle that didn't exist in the previous versions. Mike was excited about covering 'When The Levee Breaks' (which was a bonus track on the CDEP, now a streaming bonus track) and the idea of his local buddy Todd Schwartz doing the harmonica solo. With these three songs the guys headed to Don Fury's studio on Spring Street to record what became 'The Storm' EP. One day Mike showed up on his Harley and the idea came about to run a microphone cable out into the street to record it rev, which you can hear on this version of 'The Storm.' TRACK LIST SIDE A 1. Forget This Time SIDE B 1. The Storm II

Product details

Artists Judge
Genre Independent, Punk
Content 7" Single
Publication date 12.04.2024
Product form Colored
Edition Limited Edition



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