Search result (Documentary, Grosse Kinomomente, Director's Cut, Remastered, Trigon-Film, DVD)

El botón de nácar (2015) (Trigon-Film) German, French 09.12.2015 TIP DVD € 26.49 4-7 working days
Generation Iron (2013) (Director's Cut, Extended Edition) German 16.04.2015 DVD € 42.99 1-2 weeks
My Name is Salt - Salz ist mein Name (Trigon-Film) German, French 24.04.2015 TIP DVD € 29.99 4-7 working days
Take Off (Trigon-Film) German 28.03.2014 DVD € 28.99 4-7 working days
Tödliche Hilfe - Fatal Assistance German 02.09.2014 DVD € 28.99 4-7 working days
Tous les jours la nuit - Alle Tage sind Nacht - Mineros en Bolivia German 14.02.2014 DVD € 31.99 4-7 working days
Ferien in der Heimat - Vacances au pays German 06.09.2013 DVD € 28.99 4-7 working days
No Man's Zone - Fukushima - The Day After German 20.03.2013 DVD € 28.99 4-7 working days
Ecuador - Rafael Correa und der Nationalpark Yasuní (Trigon-Film) German, French 12.03.2013 DVD € 28.99 4-7 working days
Sheherazade - Scheherazade - Geschichte einer Nacht (2011) (Trigon-Film) German, French 01.12.2012 DVD € 29.99 4-7 working days
Pequeñas voces - Stille Stimmen German 30.10.2012 DVD € 29.99 4-7 working days
Nostalgia de la luz - Sehnsucht nach dem Licht (2010) (Trigon-Film) German 10.11.2011 DVD € 26.49 4-7 working days
Robert Mugabe - Macht um jeden Preis German 01.12.2012 DVD € 28.99 4-7 working days
Pizza Bethlehem (Trigon-Film) German, French 16.07.2010 SWISS DVD € 28.99 4-7 working days
Material - Thomas Heise - (Edition Filmmuseum - 2 DVDs) (Trigon-Film) German 08.07.2011 DVD € 47.49 4-7 working days
Himmel und Erde (Trigon-Film) German 30.06.2011 DVD € 47.49 4-7 working days
Screening the poor (Trigon-Film, 2 DVDs) German 17.06.2011 DVD € 47.49 4-7 working days
Los herederos - Die Erben (2008) (Trigon-Film) German 10.05.2010 DVD € 25.49 4-7 working days