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3 Supereroi 3 - Tris Supereroi - Doctor Strange - Il Mago Supremo - Tales of Asgard / Thor / L'invincibile Iron Man (Limited Edition, 3 DVDs)

Italian · DVD

Compare versions


- Thor - Tales of Asgard (2011)
- Dottor Strange - Il Mago Supremo (2007)
- L'invincibile Iron Man (2007)

Product details

Genre Action
Content 3 DVDs
Publication date 02.11.2016
Edition Limited Edition
Audio English (Dolby Digital 5.1), Italian (DTS 5.1)
Subtitles Italian (for deaf or hard of hearing)
Screen 16/9, 1.78:1
Region code 2

Cast & Crew

Production & Studios


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