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Menotti - Goya (Arthaus Musik)

English · DVD


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Gian Carlo Menotti, who would have celebrated his hundredth birthday in the summer of 2011, was far from being a musical revolutionary - and yet he had a crucial influence on the history of 20th century opera. He wrote his first opera at the age of eleven and remained committed to this great art form for the rest of his life. His Amelia al Ballo, first performed in 1937, was an early example of the elements that were to bring him fame and lasting popularity: grand melodies, dense orchestration and an unerring sense of the dramatic.

Plácido Domingo (Goya)
Michelle Breedt (Duchess of Alba)
Iride Martinez (Maria Luisa, Queen of Spain)
Christian Gerhaher (Martin Zapater)

Radio-Symphonieorchester Wien
Emmanuel Villaume (conductor)
Kasper Bech Holten (stage director)

Product details

Artists Radio-Symphonieorchester Wien, Emmanuel Villaume, Plácido Domingo
Genre Musica classica > Opera
Content DVD
FSK / age rating from age 0
Publication date 30.08.2011
Edition Arthaus Musik
Audio original language with subtitle (PCM Stereo)
Subtitles English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Korean, Japanese
Length 101 Minutes
Screen 4/3
Region code 0


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