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Le stagioni stanno cambiando , Trilli e tutte le fate lavorano sodo per tramutare l`estate in autunno. Mentre tutti si preparano per la festa autunnale, Trilli, il folletto Terence e la simpatica lucciola Brillo decolleranno in mongolfiera per un emozionante viaggio segreto.

Product details

Director Klay Hall
Genre Animation
Content DVD
FSK / age rating from age 0
Publication date 31.03.2010
Audio English (Dolby Digital 5.1), German (Dolby Digital 5.1), Italian (Dolby Digital 5.1), Croatian (Dolby Digital 5.1), Turkish (Dolby Digital 5.1)
Subtitles English (for deaf or hard of hearing), English, German, Italian, Croatian, Slovak, Turkish
Extras Deleted scenes, Music videos, Documentations, Additional information
Length 80 Minutes
Screen 16/9, 1.78:1
Year of production 2009
Region code 2

Cast & Crew

Production & Studios


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