
Auf Ihrer Flucht durch Kansas ermorden zwei junge Zuchthäusler auf brutalste Weise eine Farmersfamilie.

Product details

Director Richard Brooks
Actor Paul Stewart, John Forsythe, Scott Wilson, Robert Blake, Gerald O'Loughlin
Label Sony Pictures Entertainment Deutschland GmbH
Genre Drama
Content DVD
FSK / age rating from age 16
Publication date 07.05.2009
Audio English (Dolby Digital 1.0), German (Dolby Digital 1.0), French (Dolby Digital 1.0), Italian (Dolby Digital 1.0), Spanish (Dolby Digital 1.0)
Subtitles English, German, French, Italian, Spanish, Dutch, Hindi, Portuguese, Arab, Turkish
Length 129 Minutes
Screen 16/9, 2.35:1
Year of production 1967
Original title In Cold Blood
Region code 2

Cast & Crew

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