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Anna Karenina - TV Mini-Series (2000)

Englisch · DVD

US Version | Ländercode 1
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Cutting straight to the heart of Tolstoy's classic, Channel 4 Television's innovative adaptation draws on the realism and raw emotion that defines this unique masterpiece.
Set in the 19th Century Russia, the story moves between the decadent social surroundings of palaces in St. Petersburg and the simplest of rural life. Anna Karenina is the story of three contrasting couples whose dilemmas strike a contemporary chord in this century.
Abandoning her empty marriage to Karenin, Anna embarks on a reckless and passionate affair with dashing army officer, Count Vronsky.
In constrast to the carnality of Anna and Vronsky, Levin struggles to find spiritual meaning in his life by adopting a peasant lifestyle and pursuing a relationship with the innocent Kitty.
And the marriage of Anna's brother Oblonsky to Dolly is put under constant pressure by his obsessive womanising and repeated betrayal.
Featuring the story of three couples whose dilemmas strike a contemporary chord, this is the epic story of a woman who risks everything to follow her heart.


Schauspieler Helen McCrory, Stephen Dillane, Kevin McKidd, Mark Strong, Paul Rhys
Genre Drama
Inhalt DVD
Erscheinungsdatum 16.10.2018
Ton Englisch (Dolby Digital)
Laufzeit 4h 2min
Bildformat 16/9
Produktionsjahr 2000
Version US Version
Ländercode 1

Cast & Crew


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