€ 214,49

Godzilla 7-Inch Single Collection - OST (Boxset, Japan Edition, 9 7" Singles)


Japan Edition

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Box set of nine 7-inch EPs from "Godzilla" series. From the first ever Godzilla record "Godzilla-san / Our Anguirus" to the big hit "Shin Godzilla" in 2016, it is a permanent preservation board that traces Godzilla's music history in the form of a single record. In addition to "All Monsters Attack", the theme song that colored Godzilla's hero era at the Toho Champion Festival is recorded in the form of a reprint of the original version of Crown Toho Records. For the theme song "Kaese! Taiyo wo" of "Godzilla vs. Hedorah (1971)", which is gaining cult popularity, the soundtrack version used in the movie was made into a record for the first time. "Godzilla vs. Mothra (1992)" and "Shin Godzilla (2016)", which boast the largest number of mobilization in the Heisei Godzilla series, are the first 7inch records of the inserted songs.


Inhalt 9 7" Singles
Erscheinungsdatum 21.05.2021
Artikelart Soundtrack
Edition Boxset
Version Japan Edition



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