€ 37,49

Casanova E L'albertolli - Comedia Lirica In Due Atti


Expédition généralement dans un délai de 1 à 3 jours ouvrés


En savoir plus

Two traditions coalesce in Casanova e l'Albertolli (1937), the third of the four operas by the Swiss late-Romantic composer Richard Flury (1896-1967): Italian bel canto and the Swiss Festspiel - high art and popular culture. Styled a 'Commedia lirica', it invests the comic intrigue onstage with sweeping melodies of Puccinian richness, combining them with choruses based on Ticino folksong - it even has a yodelling chorus - in an engaging hybrid that deserves to be far better known. At the end, of course, evil is banished and love rewarded, but the entire score is dappled with happy inspirations that will bring a smile to the listener's lips.

Détails du produit

Compositeurs Richard Flury (1896-1967)
Interprètes Diego Fasolis (Chef d'orchestre), Lavinia Bini (Soprano), Lucia Cirillo (Alto, contre-alto), Carlo Allemanno (Ténor), Emanuele D'Aguanno (Ténor), Orchestra della Swizzera Italiana (Orchestre)
Genre Classical > Opéra
Contenu CD
Date de parution 31.01.2025


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