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The Dinner (2014)

Anglais · DVD

US Version | Code régional 1
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En savoir plus

Based on the New York Times bestselling novel, The Dinner turns an ordinary meal among family into a taut morality play as the limits of polite society are tested and two brothers discover just how little they know about each other. To Massimo, a gutsy defense attorney, the monthly dinners with his pediatrician brother Paolo and their wives at a posh local restaurant are a status symbol, even if the time is spent in forced familiarity and inconsequential conversation about the latest films, the day's news or their children's schoolwork. When Paolo's wife Clara sees disturbing security camera footage of a homeless woman being mercilessly beaten, she worries it may be her teenage son Michele and his cousin, Massimo's daughter Benni, who are responsible for the gruesome attack. Their fragile balancing act of respectability and class now shattered, the two families navigate the repercussions of this senseless assault, revealing in the process the skewed priorities and moral shortcomings of their privileged, insulated perspectives.

Détails du produit

Réalisateur Ivano De Matteo
Acteur Alessandro Gassman, Luigi Lo Cascio, Giovanna Mezzogiorno, Barbora Bobulova
Genre Drame
Contenu DVD
Âge recommandé à partir de 0 ans
Date de parution 24.11.2015
Audio Italien
Sous-titres Anglais
Année de production 2014
Titre original I nostri ragazzi
Version US Version
Code régional 1

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