€ 26.49

May December (2023)

Italian · Blu-ray

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Vent'anni dopo la loro famigerata storia d'amore sui tabloid, una coppia sposata cede alla pressione quando un'attrice hollywoodiana li incontra per fare delle ricerche per un film sul loro passato.

Product details

Director Todd Haynes
Actor Natalie Portman, Julianne Moore, Charles Melton, Chris Tenzis, Andrea Frankle, Gabriel Chung, Mikenzie Taylor, Jocelyn Shelfo
Label Lucky Red
Genre Drama
Content Blu-ray
Publication date 08.07.2024
Audio English, Italian
Subtitles Italian
Length 113 Minutes
Screen 16/9
Year of production 2023
Original title May December
Region code B

Cast & Crew

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