
Until recently, 25-year-old Barry Allen lived a normal life as a perpetually tardy forensic scientist in the Central City Police department. Barry is deeply in love with his best friend, Iris West, daughter of Barry's surrogate father, Detective Joe West, who adopted Barry 14 years ago after Barry's mother was murdered and his father, Henry Allen, received a life sentence for the crime - though Barry maintains that a mysterious "Man in Yellow" was responsible. Nine months ago, the S.T.A.R. Labs Particle Accelerator exploded, creating a dark matter lightning storm that struck Barry - bestowing him with super-speed and making him the fastest man alive. But Barry wasn't the only person who was given extraordinary abilities that night. The dark matter also created meta-humans - many of whom have wreaked havoc on the city. With the help of his new scientist friends at S.T.A.R Labs, Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon and Dr. Harrison Wells, Barry begins a journey as The Flash to protect the people of Central City from these powerful new threats. However, Barry's mission gets sidetracked when he comes face to face with the Man in Yellow aka The Reverse Flash...

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Schauspieler Grant Gustin, Candice Patton, Danielle Panabaker, Carlos Valdes, Tom Cavanagh, Jesse L. Martin
Label Warner Home Video
Genre Action
Science Fiction
Inhalt 4 Blu-rays
FSK / Altersfreigabe ab 12 Jahren
Erscheinungsdatum 08.12.2016
Ton Deutsch (Dolby Digital 5.1), Englisch (DTS HD Master Audio 5.1), Französisch (Dolby Digital 2.0), Italienisch (Dolby Digital 2.0)
Untertitel Deutsch (für Hörgeschädigte), Englisch (für Hörgeschädigte), Französisch, Italienisch (für Hörgeschädigte), Niederländisch
Extras Entfallene Szenen, Outtakes, Dokumentationen, Interviews
Laufzeit 17h 1min
Bildformat 16/9, 1.78:1
Ländercode B

Cast & Crew


  • The flash!!

    Am 07. August 2016 von Barry Allen geschrieben.

    The Flash, ist eine super Serie!! ist zum empfehlen:) Freue mich au die 2 Staffel auf Blu-Ray, am 17.11.2016:) beide DC Serien The Flash und Supergirl:):)

  • Flash !!!

    Am 06. Juni 2016 von Bibo geschrieben.
    Diese Kundenrezension bezieht sich auf eine alternative Version.

    Aussi bien que la première saison.
    tout aussi prenant, si ce n'est plus.
    En effet, il y a plus de suspense, plus de tension, plus d'émotions.

    A voir pour les fans de Super Héros, de DC Comics et même de Marvel !

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